- Crystal Grids
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- Small Black Obsidian Seeds of Life Crystal Grid
Small Black Obsidian Seeds of Life Crystal Grid
Black Obsidian Stone is a powerful cleanser of psychic smog created within your aura, and is a strong psychic protection stone. This stone has powerful metaphysical properties that will help to shield you against negativity. The energy of these stones may stimulate the gift of prophesy.
Perfect when to ward off negative energies it is perfect for travelling.
Approx Size 7.5 x 7.5 x 1.5 cms
Crystal grids allow us to use crystal energy as a way of directing energy towards our specific intentions. These beauties are manifesting tools that mystics use for a myriad of purposes. Energy flows where attention goes. All you need are some stones and a purpose.
A powerful intention is the key to a successful crystal grid. Choice of stone is important too, as certain crystals promote certain types of energies. Also, arranging the stones into geometric patterns is essential to making sure the message is clear.
1. How and why do crystal grids work?
Crystals themselves have a perfect molecular blueprint that brings about their energetic healing properties. When we place crystals in geometric patterns, we are amplifying what is already there.
Sacred geometry is the language the Universe communicates in. Geometric patterns form the foundation for everything we believe to exist within our reality. Right down to the atoms that compose of all matter.
These perfect designs are stable, symmetrical, and hold many secrets. The idea is to mix the vibrations of crystals with the vibrations of sacred geometry. Ultimately creating a particular frequency that enhances our specific intention.
2. How long do I leave the grid up for?
The longer the better! The best thing about crystal grids is their long lifespan. Actually, you should consider making your crystal grids part of your home decor. They are beautiful, practical, and beneficial. Grids that promote things like abundance, health, and protection are most effective if they are permanent.
However, your crystal grids do not need to be permanent to deliver incredible results.
For example, if you’re putting together a crystal grid for one specific event, there is no reason for it to be permanent.
A good rule of thumb is to assemble the grid about a day before, and take it down about a day after it’s over. You could even make a crystal grid as a form of meditation, and disassemble it when you’re finished. The rules are not rigid here!
3. How many different crystals do I need?
Most grids typically use 3-5 different crystals and minerals. Usually, they are all used to promote one brand of energy, or their properties mesh really well together. But the number of different crystals in the grid is a matter of personal preference. If you have two dozen rose quartz, you could easily make a crystal grid of just rose quartz. And I’m sure it would be beautiful! That would be perfect if you were looking to manifest more love into your life.
So, you really only NEED one type of crystal to form a crystal grid. All the magic is within the intention anyway! But it’s worth noting that grids are more effective when built with at least two types of crystals. The message being delivered to the Universe is more dynamic that way.
4. Do I need to follow a specific pattern?
Not necessarily. But, if you decide to not use a geometric pattern, you may not see the best results.
You could put together a “crystal array” instead of a grid; where all the crystals are arranged near each other. Displays like this allow for the crystal energy to flow freely in whatever direction. While more structured displays energetically connect all the crystals together, making them much more intentional.
When your grid is displayed in a geometric pattern, your message is clearly delivered to the Universe. Dare I say, it’s crystal clear! So no, you do not NEED to use sacred geometry for your grids per se. But most people in the spiritual community believe that a crystal grid has no purpose if sacred geometry isn’t involved. Personally, I arrange some of my crystals in a sort of array on my altar in my sacred space. Then I have a separate grids throughout our home setup for specific purposes (abundance, love, protection, etc.)
5. How big do crystal grids need to be?
Again, this is something that is highly personal and situational. When using sacred geometry, it is best practice to have at least three “layers” of crystals. Depending on the size of the space, you could make crystal grids that are as big as people! Or as little as a coaster.
Remember that the most important part of building a crystal grid is the intention behind it. I’ve seen crystal grids the size of dinner plates, entire backyards, and everything in between. Bigger doesn’t necessarily mean better in crystal grids and sacred geometry. The Universe doesn’t exactly need a massive grid to understand what your intention is.So go with whatever size you feel best fits the situation.
6. Should I use tumbled, rough, or pointed crystals?
Why not all three? Generally, tumbled stones give off more subtle and gentle energies. Rough stones tend to be larger, so they seemingly have a “stronger” energetic force. Pointed crystals are believed to direct their energy in a specific direction, wherever the termination goes. These are popular opinions of the masses.
Personally, I love incorporating all types of crystals into my grids. Some crystals don’t really come in tumbled form, and/or they can be difficult to find. You might find that rough stones work better for certain intentions over others. And terminated crystals can be helpful in supercharging the energy of the other stones in the grid. So all three have a place in grid making.